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Bali, Indonesia

May 8-14, 2000

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Looking down Monkey Forest Road in central Ubud.  When I last visited Ubud back in 1995, it was nothing more than a dirt road with businesses catering to backpackers.  Now tourists of all kinds abound, and you can find a reggae bar, art galleries, ATM's, and plenty of Internet providers. Of course, Ubud now has its very own Dunkin's Donuts. The law of the Monkey Forest Sanctuary, strictly enforced by its residents. Mother and her baby in the Monkey Forest.

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The coolest monkey in the Monkey Forest. "Mega is the best."  A reference to Megawati Soekarnoputri, daughter of Indonesia's founding President
Sukarno, who ran for President against Abdurrahman Wahid in the 1999 election.  It was Indonesia's first free presidential election after 32 years of Suharto's brutal rule.  Megawati lost the election, but to appease her many supporters, Wahid appointed her Vice President.
Children on their way home from school.  For the price of my ball-point pen (note the girl holding it in her
right hand), they agreed to let me take their picture.
Man's best friend?  Not so in Bali, which is full of these mean, nasty, semi-feral dogs that bark incessantly and scavenge everywhere for food.  While most of them do have owners (almost every Balinese family seems to have at least one dog), they are largely neglected, unlike pets back home.

The scenery of Bali.  One of the pleasures of Bali is wondering around through villages and rice paddies.  Here are some pictures I took during our treks around the Ubud area.

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